
Digitally controlled clock

This work entitled “Uhrknall”, a play on words combining “clock” and “bang” that is intended to mean “big bang”. This “Uhrknall”, therefore, has many connotations. On the one hand, it refers to the clock that is part of this work of art. Controlled by the clock, one of the limp rubber pouches lined up along the way is seen as it is tightly inflated into a balloon at the prescribed time. The inevitable big bang follows when the balloon is brought to burst by a needle, only to contend with its immediate end. On the other hand, does this mean that the big bang, considered the beginning of all existence, stands for the end? Not if one considers that the bits of burst balloon fall to the bottom, composing a colourful rag rug. They in turn evolve into something new and perhaps this is now the actual work of art.