Sascha Alexa Martin Müller’s
artistic works are multilayered; they include mechanical and sound
installations, as well as involvement in music projects. Mechanical
training and experience gained from previous activities had since 1991
enabled Sascha Müller to assist customers with technical implementations
and help them to organise their exhibitions. In this context, several
artistic and audiovisual projects were executed. From 2002, these
activities encouraged Sascha Müller to construct interactive sound
sculptures and kinetic objects.
This is what Sascha Müller says about these objects: “I
create machines which react to people. What interests me here is the
interaction of people and machines. It is not my intention to design
machines or robots which are supposed to imitate people, but rather ones
which develop a life of their own and have their own character which
cannot be associated with human behaviour. To me they are a type of
entertainer which I also like watching time and time again when others
communicate with them.”
Sascha Müller lives and works in Basel and has been
participating in national and international exhibitions since 2004.